Support and implementation - Services - CRESCENDO - Integrator
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Support and implementation

Technology is the foundation of innovation, creating value and competitive advantage. Through our technology services we help you keep your agility on the market, proactively supporting your organization and sustaining your business goals.


We offer you a full range of services, specific to each phase of a project. Our teams will provide the technical and operational expertise required by the approved project, optimally designed to the specific business requirements.


Implementation phase means implementation of the strategy developed in the pre-implementation phase, accepted by the customer, involving the planned resources. Implementation phase includes:


Activities that result in putting into service, at primary level, of the system requested by the customer. Installing of hardware products is generally preceded by establishment of an appropriate installation (site preparation). The customer generally has responsibility for that.

Analysis / advice

Specific activities that result in assessment of both current and future systems status, according to the needs / expectations of customers, as well as expert advice on the transfer from current to future status. It covers all aspects of designing, implementing or developing an information system (hardware, software and services).


Activities that result in the design of specifications required by customer (architecture, functionality, project planning etc.).


Activities, which may be preceded by installation, that result in completion of installation of a system by bringing it to the proposed operating parameters.


Activities that result in objective measurement of a computer system’s conformity with certain standards, rules, norms, methodologies and proposed objectives. These activities are part of a complex process in three stages: gathering information, evaluating and reporting.

Technical assistance

Activities to assist the customer in carrying out specific operations on their own computer system.

Software development

Specific activities that result in creation / modification of software solutions to specific customer needs.

Specific training

A service that involves performing training activities for customer’s personnel in IT skills for required areas of interest.


Post-implementation phase, as the name suggests, defines the period in which implemented products (either equipment or software) enter into production, being subject to warranty from the manufacturer or contracts with specific clauses. This step includes activities such as:

Technical assistance

Activities to assist the customer in carrying out specific operations on their own computer system. Thus, CRESCENDO specialists can provide relevant and skillful technical support on the repair, development, assembly or installation, testing, maintenance or any other form of technical service, through training, transfer of technical skills information and consulting services. Technical assistance also includes verbal assistance (via telephone).


Maintenance services covering a certain period. They are proactive and not determined by an event, at the initiative of the supplier, according to a preset program (default rules on frequency, number of interventions, hourly rates). For the software components it may include access to (service packs) new versions of the application (sometimes called “subscription fee”).


Remedial support services covering a certain period. They are determined by the customer’s initiative, by the emergence of unforeseen incidents. From case to case, their solving can be guaranteed according to predetermined rules (SLA – Service Level Agreement).