CRESCENDO develops xActim, part of Crescendo Apps
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CRESCENDO develops xActim, part of Crescendo Apps

CRESCENDO develops xActim, part of Crescendo Apps

It is already known as xRM (Anything Relationship Management) – as an extension of the CRM (Customer Relationship Management) concept – a solution that covers, besides customer management, the necessary functionalities for business / business partner management, procurement, locations, human resources, documents, streams, procedures, but also projects and activities.

In order to support companies that aim to increase profitability and efficiency, Crescendo has developed xActim – Microsoft Dynamics CRM based business management solution.

The solution is applicable to any organization whose activities are geared towards delivering services within projects / projects, and brings essential functionalities such as: efficient management of the projects, activities and resources involved, both in terms of running time and of budget revenue and associated expenses.

The xActim solution is fully integrated with the core CRM features (leads, sales opportunities, contracts, support cases, marketing, goal management) and can be implemented either as a standalone solution or as an extension of any Microsoft Dynamics implementation Existing CRM. Available both on premise (installed in the organization’s data center) and as a Cloud-accessible service, the solution can be tailored to the particular needs of each organization.

The solution manages:

  • Organization projects (internal / external) in relation to clients and appropriate sales opportunities;
  • Types of available resources (defining the costs and standard sales rates of the services provided);
  • Resources actually defined in projects;
  • Project activities (tracking time and financial budgets);
  • Support cases related to implemented projects / support or maintenance maintenance contracts;
  • Specific objectives defined and monitored at project team level;
  • Project documents management;
  • Operational and managerial reports.

Through a simple and intuitive interface, users can have a very clear view of the status of projects and their impact on budgets, profitability analysis per project and customer (revenue vs. costs), load, efficiency and resources profitability.

The CRESCENDO team will support the testing and implementation of the xActim solution tailored to the specificity and size of your business. Our specialists are at your disposal through business consultancy, process analysis, and specialized services to integrate the solution with the entire information environment in your organization.

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