01 Mar Crescendo wants $ 0.5 million of a solution for call center companies
CRESCENDO’, the IT solutions provider with around 19 million euros of business last year, wants to earn about 0.37 million euros ($ 0.5 million) this year from implementing a Cisco solution targeting large Contact Centers and Companies that want a better relationship with their customers, says Marius Tulea, general manager of the company.
Solutions called Unified Contact Center Enterprise (Unified Contact Center Solutions for Large Companies) are developed by Cisco Systems, the world’s largest network equipment maker.
Implementation costs between 25,000 and several hundreds of thousands of euros, the price varying according to the client’s communication needs, the type and number of channels of communication with their own clients, the number of users, the IT & C infrastructure and the IT infrastructure they integrate with.
Installing this app may take from a week or two to three months or more.
Crescendo’s first customer in this area is Vokbanks, the bank’s officials want to automate debit collection to increase the collection department’s efficiency by 35%. At the same time, the company is in negotiations with two other companies.
The solution enables the simultaneous connection of up to 6000 agents, addressing in particular large contact centers and companies that want to communicate better with customers, target industries being call center, financial-banking, utilities and suppliers services, including from the public sector, in case the investments in this area are unblocked.
The company has not yet completed its 2009 financial situation, but the IT Intelligence Director said in January for Wall Street that the business remained at a level similar to 2008 when it was about 19.6 million. In 2008, the company had a net profit of 1.3 million euros.
The most important competitors of the company on the local IT & C integrated solutions market are S & T, Xerox, IBM and Power Net Consulting.
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