25 Mar Outsourcing, 2010: Closed public projects and modest growth
A pressing problem for the outsourcing industry in Romania remains the public sector, poor in projects in 2010, compared to previous years, especially due to the economic crisis, local industry representatives consulted by Wall-Street say.
Government needs to be more active in attracting investment
Public sector issues will not help the outsourcing industry this year, many projects being blocked from lack of funding.
“Until now, the number of outsourcing projects in the public sector has been extremely low, close to zero. Taking into account the economic conjuncture and the degree of openness of the public authorities, although they have shown us in the previous years that they are capable of surprises, we do not believe that 2010 will bring major changes in this direction “, says Marius Tulea, general manager of CRESCENDO.
Romania, an attraction for multinationals
(…) The entry of new players at national level is not excluded. According to Tulea, no matter what the market evolution is, there will always be new companies entering the market. “The Romanian market has not yet reached maturity, which makes us believe that there will be more entrances in this industry, but from staring from the second half of the year,” he adds.
The local outsourcing industry can reach 85 million euros in 2010
In the current context, the first signs of revival have emerged in the local outsourcing industry. However, the exit from the crisis will be progressive and it is premature to discuss real redeeming this sector, Jiman said. Similarly, at present, it is difficult to predict a total value of the Romanian outsourcing market, as it is very fragmented. Romania has big companies in this sector, local or multinational, as well as many small companies.
According to Crescendo’s market sources, the local outsourcing industry was estimated at about 70 million euros in 2009, up from the previous year, and for 2010, the IT & C applications and solutions company saw a market growth of about 15-20 % to 80-85 million euros.
(…) At present, companies in Romania, be they medium or large, have been and will be determined to look at costs and take measures to ensure the expected level of services at controllable costs. “Because the idea of low costs is not something to report when it comes to the same level of service”, says Marius Tulea (photo).
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