QAD Enterprise Applications (MFG/PRO) to Elite Romania - CRESCENDO
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QAD Enterprise Applications (MFG/PRO) to Elite Romania

QAD Enterprise Applications (MFG/PRO) to Elite Romania

ERP application named MFG/PRO developed by QAD Company was implemented by CRESCENDO specialists to Elite Romania. In addition, CRESCENDO also provided advice provided in implementation of WAN and network security solutions. It also provided the secure mail server for Internet access.

Initial situation

Elite provides over 51% of Romanian consumption of coffee today. The Company approached CRESCENDO’s know-how in order to be able to master the complexity of production and sales. Containers filled with coffee moving in the factory are tracked and routed on-line, through portable terminals. It happens in Romania, to the Elite Factory.

The factory, distribution center and six regional centers are connected online. “One must know day by day and hour by hour what happens in the company in order to have a complete control over the production, manufacturing costs, sales efficiency. One must collect as in a basket every piece of information on entries, withdrawals, purchases, sales etc., from which one could retrieve what one needs at any time. One needs an advanced IT application in order to be productive”, IT manager at Elite Romania says.

Such an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) application was implemented by CRESCENDO’s experts to Elite Romania.

Elite covers over 51% of Romanian consumption of coffee, with a diverse assortment: ground coffee, instant coffee, cappuccino, chocolate and more. Elite markets its goods both through distributors, and directly to key customers. With its business in Romania, Elite also increased the number of computer equipment.


The collaboration with CRESCENDO began in 1999. ERP’s basic modules (accounting, billing, payments and receipts) have become functional in the first three months of implementation. The others were also started gradually.

In addition, CRESCNDO’s specialists have implemented in real time the customizations designed specifically for Elite, while developing also two specialized modules on request.

“Fine tuning” of the system continues still. There is always something to do, because new business needs and legislative requirements always arise. Such a system is like a living organism in a continuous change.

“When one acquires such a system, one actually buys know-how, not a program. It is important to walk on known paths in order to be productive,” said the Elite IT Manager. He adds: “CRESCENDO also provided advice in implementing WAN and network security solution. We achieved the mail server and secure Internet access also with their help. CRESCENDO covers a wide range of services and equipment: hardware solutions, software solutions in certain areas, such as network solutions and network security, advice in implementation and integration”.

Those transferable skills that add quality to the systems they build bring such an experience in implementing IT&C solutions today to CRESCENDO’s professionals.


Investing in an efficient information system, properly implemented, can bring a reduction in manufacturing costs between 5 and 10% – the IT Manager notes. In addition, one can have complete control over production, manufacturing costs, and sales efficiency.


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